Product Suite

MountainSeed Analytics

Access the most accurate, relevant, and current data in commercial real estate generated by our MarketPlace appraisal data.

Product Highlights

Find The Right Comps In Less Time

Comparable Sales

Search by individual addresses, map view, and dynamic reports on over 300,000 properties curated by our appraisal reports. Find unique data like CAP Rate. NOI, and vacancy.

Comparable Rents

Utilize rent comps generated by the MountainSeed

Market Insights

Sift through MountainSeed’s property level data to determine nation-wide market trends aggregated and sorted through advance filtering.

Spend Less Time Verifying Data

Why Choose The MountainSeed Analytics Platform?


Every other data company gets data from surveying market participants, ours comes directly from professionals like appraisers, property owners, and service providers


With a growing database of over 1,000,000 property records, our data is widely sourced including major metropolitan areas, smaller properties, and markets.


You order our services before you purchase a property, so our information is months ahead of the rest of the market.

Getting Started

Experience the
MountainSeed Difference

Get To Know Us

Learn more about Analytic’s services while we demonstrate how our MountainSeed’s data is the most accurate, relevant, and current data in the industry.

Agreement and Onboarding

With flexible agreements and a paid trial program, we will get you on the platform quickly and enroll you in a customized onboarding experience introducing you to the platform’s services

Training and Support

As our product grows, we will keep you in the know about product updates. We will always be available through the knowledge base and our customer success team.

Contact Us

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By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by email, phone, or text message by MountainSeed at the provided contact information for promotional and administrative purposes. You are not obligated to agree to this contact; instead, you may contact us directly at (855) 640-0905. Reply STOP to opt out from text messages. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

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Together We Climb

We recognized that there is a better way to approach commercial real estate and lending, and out of that, MountainSeed was born.

  • Zero Budget impact. We guarantee that your Financial Institution will never lose a loan based upon our fee.
  • Offering a one-stop Marketplace for lenders from collateral to due diligence in one platform.
  • The most accurate, relevant, current data for commercial real estate lenders.